Our Approach

Timothy Newton ARCHITECT is an architecture and landscape design firm that specialises in designing for people.  We are a talented group with a common focus of uplifting the human spirit. 

We care about the form and function - yes, the material juxtapositions, yet our focus is on how these elements are combined to create successful spaces that enhance the human experience.  "To create mutually beneficial relationships between people's quality of life and their built environment."  In so doing our methods are guided by the principles of Sustainable Design.

Be it residential or commercial, renovation or new build, private, public or landscape design, we take our clients through a process of building a trusting partnership to understand their particular physical and emotional requirements for their particular project.  

No Matter what the task, the individual, the group, the family, the corporation, our passion is for our client's satisfaction.  For we will move on to the next project but you, our client will sleep, play, work, function within your uniquely tailored environment - it must be done just right.


Tel. 561.229.6167 | WhatsApp 868.290.3525 | timothydnewton@gmail.com | www.timothynewtonarchitect.com